Donation Campaign 2024-25

PACE is the volunteer parent group that is solely responsible for raising enough funds every year to pay for the Colfax theatre program, classroom aides, art, computer lab, science lab, farm, garden, physical education and additional music programs, field trips and assemblies. These programs are enjoyed by all students. Without your donation, PACE will not be able to continue to provide these important programs. Please make a donation today.


New This Year: Every donation to PACE includes a PTA membership! Your membership opens the door to local and national services and discounts and allows you to vote for PTA Board members in this year's election.


 Our suggested donation for Colfax families is $1000 per child. However, we ask that you contribute an amount that feels right for your family and is meaningful to you. Every donation, regardless of size, makes a significant impact and is deeply appreciated. 



Please select a pre-set donation amount or enter the amount of your choice in the box below.

Note: For Marquee messages please choose from the formats 11/8 Happy Birthday, Johnny G! or 11/8 Happy 8th Birthday, Johnny G!  Please remember to include the date you want the message to display.

Credit card fees apply. No fees are charged for eCheck (ACH) payments. If you prefer to make a donation by cash or check, please put your donation in an envelope with your name on it and place it in the blue PACE lockbox in the front office.

 PTA Membership
Any dollar amount funds vital enrichment programs and staff that LAUSD does not provide. These programs benefit ALL our Colfax students and include our theatre program, classroom aides, science, art, music, new smart boards, gardening, farm and much more! more
Giving Levels
 Mighty Oak ($2500+)
A $2500 contribution helps keep aides in every classroom at Colfax.  more

 Sapling ($2000-$2499)
A donation of $2000 pays for food, veterinary care and general expenses for the Colfax Farm for 5 months! more

 Root ($1000-$1999)
A $1000 donation pays for one Kindergarten class to receive Violin classes.  more

 Leaf ($500-$999)
A $500 contribution covers the cost of 14 students attending our Garden program. more

 Seed ($1 - $499)
Any dollar amount funds vital enrichment programs and staff that LAUSD does not provide. These programs benefit ALL our Colfax students and include our theatre program, classroom aides, science, art, music, new smart boards, gardening, farm and much more! more

 Donation of Your Choice$


Matching Gift
Matching Gift From My Employer

*All checks should please be made out to "PACE." If your employer is donating through a donation platform or database, be sure to ask them to search for "PACE, Parents Association Colfax Elementary"

Scheduled Payments
 Monthly Payment to reach $2500
One initial payment of $1000 and three subsequent payments of $500, charged on the first day of each month.
 Monthly Payment to reach $2000 (two children)
Five monthly payments of $400, first payment at time of order, subsequent payments charged on the first day of each month.
 Monthly Payment to reach $1000 (one child)
Five monthly payments of $200, first payment at time of order, subsequent payments charged on the first day of each month.






Contact us if you have questions or need to make special arrangements for payment options not listed above. Monthly payment plans are available at any amount upon request.


PACE is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Please know that your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable under law. Tax ID: 95-4343966