Colfax Read-A-Thon 2025
2 - Rosá
Make a Donation

It's Read-A-Thon time!
Please help us support our Colfax students' love of reading by making a donation here. Our school will be striving to read hundreds of thousands of minutes and fundraise as much as we can for our school in just three weeks! Every little bit helps.
All donations will go towards exciting Library upgrades such as new books as well as the continuation of crucial programs at Colfax such as Art, Science, Music, Computer Lab, Farm, Garden & Teachers' Aides.
To log your student's minutes, please visit
Fundraising Goal
If we make our fundraising goal of $15,000, our top 3 readers AND top 3 fundraisers get to spray Mr. Gorton with Super Soakers in front of the ENTIRE SCHOOL! If we make our stretch fundraising goal of $20,000 one lucky fundraiser plus 4 friends will win IN ‘N OUT LUNCH IN THE LIBRARY and story time with Ms. Benard.
Prizes Galore for Fundraising And Reading
- Each student who raises $25 or more will have a book dedicated to them from our own library!
- Each student who logs minutes will receive a digital copy of their Best Book Forward portrait taken earlier this school year and displayed by the big building.
- New this year: Every week a student who has logged minutes will be randomly selected from each grade to win a prize! It's like "Caught Being Good" but now it's "Caught Reading...Well"!
- The top three readers of the entire school will receive gift cards to Barnes and Noble and personalized trophies.
- The top readers of each grade will receive a personalized medal.
- The top readers of each class will receive a prize ribbon bookmark and a Weepul.
- Anyone who reads over 1,000 minutes will earn a special 1,000-minute club pencil.
Whole Class Prizes
- The class with the highest average number of minutes read per student will win a pizza and treat party and the coveted class trophy.
- The classes with the highest average number of minutes read per student in EACH GRADE will also win a treat party!
- EVERY STUDENT in a class with 100% participation (via logging minutes, even just once) will receive a special coupon for one FREE Game Play at Colfax World Fair on May 17th!
- The first class with 100% participation will receive a special prize!
Top Classes
2 - Rosá | $1,860 |
2 - Wells | $1,740 |
1 - Juniel | $1,620 |
1 - Hanlon | $1,340 |
1 - Watts | $1,336 |
2 - Walsh | $1,155 |
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