Shop our affiliates all year long to generate funds for Colfax! These programs allow us to raise funds for our school at no additional cost to you. 






Register your Ralph's card ONCE and Colfax will get a percentage of each of your grocery trips! Go to > My Account > Community Rewards and select COLFAX AVENUE ELEMENTARY P.A.C.E as your organization. Once registered, our name will display at the bottom of your receipt every time you shop.






Receive fresh, organic produce delivered right to your home while earning 10% cashback for Colfax! With Farm Fresh To You, you can choose from different box types & sizes with no commitment - skip a box, change it up or stop delivery at any time. Stay out of the grocery store and have this beautiful, locally grown produce brought to you!


Already a customer? No problem, you can add the code "colfax" to your existing account and they'll donate 10% of all your future orders! You can call 800.796.6009 to have it added by phone or click here to add it online.





Stay Organized with the label company voted #1 by the New York Times for three years in a row! Name Bubbles has labels for everything -- keep those water bottles, hoodies and lunch boxes out of the Lost & Found! Colfax receives 12% back for every purchase when you click the logo or link here to start your shopping trip.























Colfax is generously supported by these Community Sponsors.
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Image number 8 in a rotating selection of images.